Before we start to create a platform to help companies get the most out of their employees, we need to know what our customers want and look for problems worth solving, not just a solution. There are three critical phases that are conducted step by
    First of all we study the current market and the existing products in the innovation management space. We keep communicating with our client and identifying the goal of how to drive engagement and innovation. The users' needs, wants, and behavior
Key features comparison table among competitors
    Since this is enterprise level to deploy the platform all over the organizations in the company, our customers and end users are basically two different groups of people, so that what they care about also varies quite little bit. For our customer
Challenges, motivations, desires, and concerns from user interview
User distribution on the metric
    Now we got our preliminary research and usability tests feedbacks, and our defined personas and main features of tasks, we can get our hands dirty on the design and gain more insights over iteration development.    IDEA LIST (HOME PAGE)
Idea list view (V01)
Idea list view (V02)
Idea detail page (V01)
Post idea (V01)
User profile (V01)
    As you can see that from the feedbacks of interview, the innovation platform has a great potential than what it was expected to be. People also seek other chemicals when jumping on the board. We will take those words seriously into our next devel
    We break down the actions to final three: vote, join, and comment. Besides vote button, the second important action that we identify is 'join.' In the earlier, people need to click into the idea to know how many people are involved and further do
    Last but not the least is that people tend to favor the ideas that relate to them in certain relations, such as by office location, by department, or by idea's category. This is also one of the elements that trigger engagement. 
    Earlier we mention applying modal view for the new idea posting screen. In order to decrease any interruption during this task, we give it a dedicated page for user to fill in the required fields of information of idea. While about to submit, use
Old vs. new user feedbacks distribution
Comprehension test over eleven main features
Final design of Greywire
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