Sisterhood of survivors (SASANE)
    Let's take a look at fundraising performance of non-profit organization in 2016.   In 2016, the percentage of total fundraising that came from online giving reached a record high in the United States. Human Services experienced an 11.1% year
2016 Donation trend
2016 Donation trend by month
Priorities based on SASANE’s preference
Mental model flow with tasks & concerns
Original content structure by columns (June 2017)
The dendrogram with 7 clusters outlined (new structure)
 This program run by R works out the similarity of any two items that are arranged in groups by our data. Instead of putting two cards subjectively by our intuition, we could rely on the statistics formula to give us a reference while deciding simila
The ranking of content importance
    Apart from header and footer, there are some elements like Get involved, Donate and Social Media/Press will also be present around the page.    Color Schemes   We analyze 23 good practices of fundraising websites and extract out 14 cases, wh
 First two colors are meant to represent the key focus hierarchically, and the rest of the colors could be brilliantly taken as a main tone for the whole page emotionally. The canvas of colors used in order of hue for those 14 websites can be seen be
Color schemes out of 14 websites practices
Final design of SASANE landing page
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